Custom Jerseys
Whether you need practice spares, additions to your current jerseys, or hungry for some new unis...we can help.
- New, fully customized team sets.
- Custom sublimation.
- Knit, sewn, and sublimated socks.
- Adding to your existing jerseys.
- Spare practice jerseys.
- Team jackets, hoodies and apparel.
- Zoombang - The #1 product on the market for protective gear to help reduce injuries.

Here are a few short videos running through some options for you.
- Jerseys
- Applications
- Socks
(#1 was just an intro)
Here are a few of our favorite vendors. Use their sites to browse your options.
Kobe - use the left hand column to navigate (starts with most expensive, then least, then socks, then the Team Series, lots of inexpensive gems.)
Take a look and let me know what you see. Disregard the prices on Kobe...your preferred price will be a little less.
Athletic Knit
AK has a few series of mid range jerseys with lots of color/style options. Most expensive to least...then to practice style. Lots in the middle
Custom Sublimation
We also work with industry leaders offering totally customized sublimated jerseys as an option. Sublimation is a smart and cost effective option when you want a particular or specific look. Designs, colors and striping that stock jerseys sometimes just can't match. Sublimation is also a great solution when there are multiple applications needed.. Stitched names/name bars, sleeve numbers, patches and sponsor logos can add up.
Oh...Sublimated jerseys are also cool and comfortable, and long lasting, and the colors won't run or fade on you either.